
How to Stay Positive when Surrounded by Negative People

While there are a variety of ‘tactics’ that may be used to insulate yourself from the beliefs and opinions of others, they all require a degree of mental strength. In other words, willpower. The stronger your willpower, the less you will be affected by the beliefs and opinions of others. Willpower is the mental strength…


A Simple Affirmation that Works for Everything

The core of any effective method for manifesting change revolves around 2 things — belief and intention. This is true whether we’re talking about affirmations, visualization, prayer, EFT, Reiki, or anything else. Belief and intention. In fact, the core process could be described in the form of an affirmation like this: I can ________, and…


Power Tip: Do the Best You Can, and Let the Universe be Responsible for the Final Results

Do the best you can, and let the Universe be responsible for the final results. There is a general tendency for Life to move in an upward direction, bringing everyone to a higher level of understanding and fulfillment. As difficult as it can be to understand, even our mistakes and failures serve to produce positive…