The Most Effective Way to Reach Your Goals

One of the reasons why many folks have trouble changing habits and reaching goals is because they use ineffective techniques for communicating what is desired to their subconscious mind.

Buckling down and trying to force yourself to develop new habits is the hardest, evidenced by the fact that the vast majority who try this fail within a couple of weeks.

In a way, it’s like trying to ride a donkey who doesn’t want to go down a pathway.

You almost have to get off and drag the donkey as it digs in and stubbornly refuses to budge.

If you’re going to succeed, you have to get the donkey to WANT to go where you want to go, and this requires a different approach.

You could also think of it like trying to give medication to a beloved pet.  

It may be good for them, but they often won’t touch it unless you hide it in a treat.

Your subconscious is the same way.

You may have the best of intentions, as you try to get yourself to do something that will produce wonderful results and a much happier life, but your subconscious won’t go for it unless you package the message in something it wants.

And this is why so many personal development techniques fail, because most of them are dry, dull, and boring, and therefore do not offer your subconscious what it really wants.

Remember, the subconscious is the source of your emotions.

It literally NEEDS to be emotionally stimulated, preferably with positive emotions like joy, love, and pleasure.

To be effective, personal development must include some aspect of fun and enjoyment.

And the best personal development would be something that includes a type of indulgence, because this is what your subconscious REALLY wants.

Think about it.

In most cases, the “bad” habits you may want to change are things that are (or at least WERE) enjoyable in one way or another.

What if you derived the same level of enjoyment from good habits, like eating right, exercising, and investing in your future?  

Or what if standing up for yourself gave you a particular thrill you crave?

You probably wouldn’t have much trouble living an abundant life, would you?

Now, you’ve probably heard that scientific studies have shown that the subconscious cannot tell the difference between a real event and something that is VIVIDLY imagined.

Well, obviously it CAN tell the difference, but your subconscious does respond in nearly the same way.

What this means is that an imaginary indulgence is almost as effective as a real one as far as the subconscious is concerned.

You could sit and daydream about something you enjoy, and your subconscious will respond by opening up and becoming more agreeable to your conscious instructions.

And this forms the foundation for the most effective personal development possible.

In short, the best and most effective personal development uses a hypnotic format to communicate directly with the subconscious, and will also include an element of indulgence to further open the subconscious to the suggestions given.

Read all about this new form of personal development here: