A Quick Way to Boost Willpower

One of the topics I’ve been researching lately is in the area of improving brain function, specifically how to increase your willpower.

The reason for this research is because the strength of your intentions depends on the strength of your willpower.

And the stronger your intentions, the better results you get when working directly with Divine Power to manifest the things you want in life.

Most of the available research says that willpower runs on blood sugar (glucose) and is refreshed by sleep as well as the foods we eat.

It’s also generally agreed that the more we use our willpower, the stronger it gets.

Scientists studying this also admit that our beliefs have an influence as well, because those who believe that willpower is unlimited tend to do better than those who believe it is a limited resource.

There are a number of other factors reported as well, such as being in an orderly space, focusing on “big picture” stuff, seeing your goal (the thing you need willpower to accomplish) as something important in a larger context, and whether or not you believe someone is watching you.

What may be the most important factor is our emotions. The better we feel, the more willpower we have.

A couple of days ago, an idea hit me, and after testing it, I’m finding it to be one of the best ways of increasing willpower, and it works very quickly.

It’s a combination of imagination and perspective.

The imagination part is easy. Just imagine yourself having a luxurious, highly enjoyable indulgence.

  • This could be imagining that you’re eating a “death by chocolate” cake with gallons of dark chocolate syrup.
  • It could be sitting in a hot bath with candles and incense.
  • It could be opening yourself up to a “Divine Hug”.
  • It could be anything you enjoy, including the experience of having the thing you want to manifest.

This perks up your mood, which fortifies your willpower.

Incidentally, this has typically been the starting point of every significant manifestation I’ve ever produced.

The perspective part relates to the old idea of a glass being half-full or half-empty.

Most of the time, I see the glass as half-empty, because I expect an abundance of every good thing, and we tend to get what we expect.

This doesn’t mean that I’m disappointed by a half glass of whatever. It means that I tend to expect to get more, and if it’s not there at first, then I expect more will be coming later.

I realize this runs counter to what most of those teaching abundance thinking suggest.

Anyways, when willpower is involved, it is useful to see the glass as half-full, because then you’re getting a bonus no matter how little you allow yourself to have.

When you’re dieting, and you’re hungry most of the time, it can be useful to accept the hunger as ‘normal’ rather than something “less than desirable”.

When you want to start a new business, it can be helpful to ‘expect’ to work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, for months on end, rather than resenting the need to invest (give up) your free time to the new business.

This change in perspective helps you to get into the “whatever it takes” mindset necessary to achieve the goals you wish to manifest.