Maximize Your Manifesting Results

Over the last couple of months, I’ve been sharing with you a system to manifest anything and everything you could possibly want in life.

It’s all based on the idea that you are a Divine Being with the Power to co-create your world.

It’s also focused on a simple process of relaxing as deeply as you can, imagining what you want in rich, vivid detail, and trusting that it will manifest into your life.

The more you practice this, the easier it gets, and the more significant the results you will experience when you follow this process.

I’ve repeated many times the importance of relaxing into a deep alpha or light theta state of mind, because this is where the magic happens.

The more you relax into yourself, the less resistance your conscious mind will have, and the quicker you’ll get the results you want.

To aid in this part of the process, I recommend you engage in any activity that helps you relax.

For some, it’s sitting out in the sun. For others, it’s soaking in a hot tub of water.

For many, having relaxing music playing in the background helps a lot.

As some in our community already know, I’m married to a wonderful composer who creates beautiful meditational music. Linda Missad.

Linda has recently produced a new CD of meditational music, which you will find on her website at

The CD is called “Reflections“, and has some of the most enjoyable tracks I’ve ever heard.

I’m particularly fond of the track called “Light Sparkles“.

It’s also the first CD I’ve been able to listen to repeatedly for a full day without getting tired of hearing it.

We’ve set up her website so you can hear samples of each track, and you may purchase individual tracks as MP3s, a downloadable version of the full CD, or a physical CD if you prefer that.

If you have a Spotify account, you can listen to her new CD there as well as on iTunes, Deezer, or Tidal.

I invite you to check this out.

I have a feeling you’re going to love it as much as I do.

That’s it for now.

Until next time, be blessed, my friend.