Yes, You Can Do It!

One of greatest benefits of making a strong connection with your deeper mind, is that you can FEEL that no matter what, you can come out ahead.

Whatever the challenges of life may be, you have the strength to turn things to your benefit.

No matter what anyone else may say, you know what is the best course of action FOR YOU.

It’s like having an anchor to keep you centered even in the midst of the wildest storms.

The world may be in chaos, but you find it easy to remain calm and focused.

It’s a wonderful feeling.

But it’s more than just a feeling.

When you can remain calm and focused, you are better able to get things done.

When you have the wisdom of the Divine Mind within guiding you, the things you spend your time doing will be the most rewarding things you could do.

You never confuse busywork with accomplishment.

I can remember whole YEARS I spent working on what turned out to be a misguided project.

If I had taken a few minutes to tune in with the Divine Mind within, that time could have been spent on more productive work.

I could have had a LOT more time to sit back and enjoy life.

Of course, before I could have done that, I would have needed someone to show me how.

In these posts, I’ve been sharing with you the core process.

Relax, imagine, and trust.

Relax to the point where you go into a deep alpha or light theta state.

Imagine what you want in rich, vivid detail, as if you are actually there.

And trust the process will activate your inner resources, which will guide you to be in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing with and/or for the right person.

Even if you don’t believe in what many call the Law of Attraction, this physical chain alone can manifest whatever you may want.

Trust it.

Of course, when you open yourself to imagine what could happen on a spiritual level, true miracles can and do happen.

As you may know, I’ve recently released the new Symbolic Solutions 2.0 package for $97, and plan to raise the price to $197 when I have a few more things in place.

When you purchase a copy, you get lifetime access to the materials, so anything I add in the future will be yours as well.

We now have about 50 folks who have taken action and gained access to this powerful series of mind training hypnotic recordings.

As they go through the materials and give me their feedback, I’ll continue to tweak the materials so they produce the most positive results possible for those using them.

In a way, these early adopters have an opportunity to get semi-custom recordings for less than the price of pre-made.

BTW – full custom recordings are priced at $495 per 30-minute recording.

For that price, I ask you a series of questions to find out what will work best for you, write a custom script, record it, and mix it with a BWE track and/or music, as desired.

In the current scenario, you have a chance to read through the scripts as they’ve been recorded, work with the materials, and if something isn’t quite right for you, let me know and I’ll fix it.

All at no extra charge.

The time is quickly approaching when this will no longer be possible.

If you’ve been thinking of getting in on this, I encourage you to do it now.

Sure, you can wait until all the changes have been made, but then you won’t have the option to request free modifications to suit your needs, and you’ll have to pay more.

Either way, it’s your choice, and I support you in whatever choice you make.