The Foundation for all Improvement & Advancement

Ever since I started my online business 14 years ago in January 2003, my purpose has been to help folks create the life of their dreams.

And while I’ve produced a bunch of books and audio programs to help different folks with different backgrounds, the core principles are the same.

It all comes down to getting the right messages into your subconscious mind.

In this season of New Year’s Resolutions, I’d like to take a moment and give you a brief overview of how this is done.

It doesn’t matter if you want to lose weight, stop procrastinating, be kinder to the people in your life, or if you want to start a new business and make tons of money.

To succeed, you need the right messages to get into your subconscious mind.

Depending on your background, you might see this as the first step in a chain reaction, leading to a change in the decisions you make, the actions you take, and therefore, the results you get.

You might see this as activating the Law of Attraction, with your chosen messages going out into the Universe to attract people and events to you in order to manifest your desires.

You might see this as a prayer to a Diving Being, who can respond by directing the course of events so you “just happen” to find what you want happening in your life.

However you see it, it all starts with an intent, a belief, and a willingness to change.

Environmental and cost considerations aside, does it really matter if your car is electric or based on the combustion of fuel?

Either way, it will get you across town.

Does it matter if your computer has an Intel or AMD processor in it?  You can surf the web with either one.

In the grand scheme of things, it really doesn’t matter if our goals are manifested by a metaphysical law, a Divine Being, or the result of changing the way we respond to events.

As long as we get what we intended, it’s all good.

For most of my life, since the 1980s, I’ve experimented with many different methods of communicating messages to my subconscious mind.

I’ve used affirmations, visualization, decrees, mantras, affirmative prayer, directed daydreaming, ceremonial magick, wicca, and even outright begging to find out what works best.

I’ve tested hundreds of variations, combinations, and repeated tests in different situations.

And in the last 14 years, I’ve been able to include other people in my tests to find out what works for them.

The best approach turns out to be the simplest.

A simple 3-step process leads to better results than anything else you can think of.

  1. Relax into a meditative/hypnotic trance.
  2. Imagine what you want in vivid detail, with strong positive emotion.
  3. Trust that what you want will happen.

That’s it.

Truth be told, the third step is all you need, but the first two make it a whole lot easier.

I’ve seen this process rewrite old memories and eliminate PTSD issues.

I’ve seen it eliminate lifelong guilt issues, and shift a person from a poverty mindset to an abundance mindset in just one session.

And I’ve seen it manifest events where there was no direct physical way of influencing the outcome.

Yes, miracles do happen at times!

Now, while I’d love to be able to tell you that just 5 minutes a day is enough to manifest anything you want, bigger projects need more time.

15 to 20 minutes a day will do a lot, and 30 to 60 minutes a day is probably enough for anything you’re likely to want to manifest.

How many days it takes to manifest a goal depends on various factors.  From my testing and research, a few weeks is usually enough to get even major goals set in motion.

Of course, the better you get at relaxing, imagining in detail, and trusting the process, the quicker you’ll see results.

This is why my most recent products (Awaken the Avatar Within and Symbolic Solutions) are based on this process, and why my new system to be released next month will be as well.

In fact, I’ve decided to name the new system Symbolic Solutions.

Think of it as a 2.0 version.

The main difference is that there will be more information to explain how to use the process for any goal you may want to achieve, and any pre-recorded materials will be specifically to help you master the core process, so you can use it for anything you can think of.