How Visualization Produces Tangible Results
A subscriber recently asked how can visualization possibly produce a tangible result.
I had exactly the same question when I first started trying to manifest things into my life.
The first thing I need to say is that the exact mechanics are still unknown, but we have a few theories which MIGHT represent the truth.
Is this a problem?
Well, do you know EXACTLY how your computer translates the keys you press on the keyboard into letters on the screen?
Probably not.
It’s enough to know that it does happen, and when you press the right keys at the right time, and aren’t pressing any other keys like the Alt key or Ctrl key, you’ll get what you expect.
Okay, now that we’ve set the context…
Without going into too much detail, visualization works by creating memories which support beliefs, which in turn create new experiences.
When you visualize what you want to manifest, your deeper mind records it into memory.
The more relaxed you are when you do your visualization, and the more detail you include, the more “real” the memory that is recorded.
This is why psychologists say that the subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between a real experience and one that is vividly imagined.
It’s not that the experience itself is confused, but the MEMORY of the experience is essentially the same.
The more positive memories you have, the more positive your beliefs in that area.
Let me give you an example.
Who do you think would have the more positive beliefs regarding money?
The person who remembers a life where everything they ever wanted was quickly acquired?
Or the person who remembers a life where they never had any luxuries, and everything they DID get was a struggle?
Of course!
Now, here’s the key point.
Beliefs create our experiences.
The mechanism for this is a little fuzzy, but there are a couple of plausible theories.
First, for the scientific, nothing-but-physical-reality, type of folks…
When you EXPECT a positive result (meaning, you have a positive belief), you’re more likely to take positive action.
And when you do, you’re also more likely to communicate a positive expectation to others through voice tone, body language and gestures.
Positive communication through voice tone, body language and gestures causes other people to respond more favorably to you.
This is the physical-only explanation of how beliefs create experiences.
Those who expect failure won’t take action when needed, and when they do, their voice tone, body language, gestures, and facial expressions communicate their expectation of failure.
The next model says that our beliefs cause us to radiate a specific “vibration” into the world around us, which attracts and repeals things so that only those things which match our beliefs come into our experience.
This is the quasi-physical explanation of how visualization works.
This model also claims that the visualization process itself creates these vibrations, and beliefs need not be involved.
Related to this model is the one that says that when we spend time thinking about something, there are one or more spiritual beings who give us those things we think about most.
If we think about lack, we are given lack.
If we think about love, we are given love.
If we think about wealth, we are given wealth.
Any one of these models help to explain how visualization can produce a tangible result.
Of course, HOW it works isn’t nearly as important as knowing that it does indeed work.
Two things you need to remember.
Relax as much as you can, and make your visualization as ‘real’ as you can.